Alice in Winter Wonderland, 8" x 10," Oil on gessoed paper
Unamused, 16" x 20," Oil on canvas
Spirit Guide, 20" x 16," Oil on canvas
From Death to Life, 5" x 7," Acrylic on canvas panel
Misfits Welcome, 4" x 6," Oil on gessoed paper
Coraline, 8" x 10," Acrylic and oil on canvas panel
Darkness as Light, 8" x 10," Oil on canvas panel
The Heir, 8" x 10," Oil on canvas panel
The Conservationist, 8" x 10," Oil on canvas panel
Midsommar, 5" x 7," Oil on canvas panel
Midwest Harvest, 8" x 10," Oil on canvas panel
The Sea Calmer, 11" x 14," Oil on canvas
Tale of the Goldfinch, 8" x 10," Oil on canvas panel
Guard Your Heart, 8" x 10," Oil on canvas panel
Switched to Tea, 11" x 14," Oil on oval canvas
Penney Has No Fear, 5" x 7," Oil on canvas panel
Dumbo and Colette, 10" x 8," Watercolor and colored pencils on watercolor paper
Beetlejuice, 9" x 12," Watercolor, colored pencils, and acrylic on watercolor paper
Edward Scissorhands, 8" x 10," Colored pencils on watercolor paper
Hansel and Gretel, 8" x 10," Watercolor, colored pencils, ink and pearlescent watercolor on watercolor paper
Beauty and the Beast, 5" x 8," Alcohol markers on paper
Daenarys Targaryen, 5" x 8," Graphite, colored pencils, and ink on toned paper
Ghost Train, 11" x 14," Charcoal and graphite on paper
Asylum Alice, 9" x 12," Watercolor, colored pencil, marker, and ink on watercolor paper
Servant Princess, 11" x 14," Oil on canvas
Guiding Light, 16" x 20," Oil on canvas
Get Well Soon, 16" x 20," Oil on canvas